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As we all know, there are many aspects of digital marketing. The top ones that come to mind are: organic social media, paid social media (such as Facebook and Instagram ads), Google Ads, etc. There is also SEO and all things websites. One that isn’t mentioned as often—but is just as important—is conversion rate optimization (CRO). Now, I know what you’re asking yourself—if it’s not one of the most talked about digital marketing channels, does my business need conversion rate optimization? 

The simple and short answer… YES. Every business, no matter the size, can use conversion rate optimization to its advantage. To answer the question of whether my business needs conversion rate optimization or not, let’s start from the beginning and answer a question many ask—what is conversion rate optimization (CRO)?

Conversion rate optimization is the process of increasing the percentage of users or website visitors to take any desired action. That desired action could be any call to action you have listed on your website. It could be phone calls, it could be form submissions, it could be a purchase, etc. 

After you know what CRO is, you’ll probably ask yourself why does my business need CRO. This question applies to many areas of digital marketing. The why is behind every action. Conversion rate optimization has multiple benefits and is a must in any online ad campaign and digital marketing strategy.

Listed below are just a few of those benefits. Here are three of the top reasons to include CRO in your next marketing strategy. CRO must be implemented into your business to:

1. Better Understand Your Market

Isn’t it a top goal to know who exactly makes up your market and who the ideal customer is? When you do this kind of research on your website and business, you are able to hone in on that exact answer. You’ll reach your ideal customer while improving different aspects of your business.

2. Lower Acquisition Costs

The practices of CRO allow you to gain more value from your customer base. This customer base could be made up of new website visitors or current customers. Lowering costs while growing your customer base are two KPIs that bring the best results.

3. Increase Revenue 

Good practices of CRO ultimately bring more “bang for your buck”. Everything you are working to accomplish with online advertising can be magnified with CRO. When you put these practices into place, you reach that end goal and make it easier to grow your business.

As these are just a few of the benefits of conversion rate optimization, you will see the never-ending list of benefits when you put CRO practices into play.

Now that we know what it is and why we do it, the next question begins to roll in. How do we go about practicing CRO? One of the best places to start isn’t actually on your website. It is with the idea behind your business. Go back to the beginning, back to the goals you outlined to achieve through your digital space. One of these goals hopefully included a better understanding of your market and those individuals most likely to purchase your product or service. Starting here to better understand your visitors and customers is exactly the same place to start your CRO journey. Once you understand your users, the only thing left is to give them what they need and implement that into your website. CRO is all about optimizing your space to give the individual buyer a better experience and ultimately a greater chance to fulfill your desired conversion action.

Now that we understand the what, why, and how, you can begin to execute your plan. Every business will plan differently. Each market, website, and business model has different goals and methods and that is exactly what it is supposed to be like. When you begin to execute your plan, starting can be daunting. But begin testing every nook and cranny on your site. Which sections could be improved for the customer journey? Which color should this button be? Where should this CTA be placed? TEST IT ALL. Testing is a big part of CRO and must be done in order to know what works best. The list of what works and what doesn’t goes on and on. Unfortunately, that is a part of digital marketing. It is a risk you need to be willing to take.

Always start somewhere. With any good marketing strategy, you need to start somewhere small to get your foot in the door. You cannot begin to optimize every place on your website. It doesn’t work like that… unfortunately. Just like SEO practices, CRO takes time, patience, and effort over a longer period of time. Do your research and make a plan, but know that conversion rate optimization must be a part of your marketing strategy. 

Whether you are just getting started or have been implementing CRO for some time, the importance of it never diminishes. CRO is important for any business online. No matter the size of your business, the ultimate goal is to convert your website visitors into qualified leads, customers, and brand advocates. While doing so in the most effective, impactful, and reliable way. So to answer the original question—does my business need conversion rate optimization—the answer is a resounding yes.