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For a business owner, the world of digital marketing is a vast expanse of opportunity. There are hundreds of platforms to advertise on, billions of people to reach, and millions of ways to reach them! It’s no wonder that so many people feel overwhelmed with the task of digital marketing and not a surprise that many don’t approach it the right way. When you do start your digital marketing journey, it’s easy to fall back on the strategies that you see companies using all the time, but just because they are doing it doesn’t mean it’s a good option for you. 

Our job at Set Fire Creative is to make sure you are spending your budget wisely and that you are using the right approach to digital marketing for your business. Because we’ve been marketing for businesses for so long, we know what strategies work the best, and which strategies are underutilized. If you’re wondering what the best way to market your company is, here are three of the most effective and underutilized ways to market your business.


Though it seems obvious in a social climate dominated by Instagram Reels and TikToks, video ads and posts are actually one of the most effective digital marketing strategies that are underutilized by marketers right now. Good video content can take lots of time and, sometimes, lots of money to produce, but the payoff will be more than worth it.

Video is the best kind of content for your business to utilize for a few reasons. First, it’s more eye-catching than still images and will grab the attention of potential customers quicker. It’s also simply more engaging and visually appealing than regular image ads, and that will help you build brand trust and awareness among people on any platform, no matter what you’re selling. 

Not only is video content more engaging, but it’s also great for tutorials, demos, client testimonials, and firm overviews. There is no better way to show what makes your brand stand out than to do it with a video, and it always conveys more of your brand’s personality than a still image would. Video has been shown to boost conversions and increase revenue, so don’t be afraid to invest time and money into good video content. 


Using an influencer won’t be a good strategy for every business, but for the right product or service, reaching out to someone with a trusted social media presence for help with promotion is a great idea. Not only does influencer marketing boost conversions, but it also builds a lot of brand trust when potential customers see that one of their favorite people to follow genuinely likes your product. 

The great thing about influencer marketing is that it’s organic. You can send an influencer some free products or give them a free trial of your service, and they can give you a free and honest review via their social media accounts. This way, potential customers know that the good things said about your company aren’t paid for and are completely honest, and that fosters hard core brand trust. 

Influencer marketing also paves the way for you to reach more niche audiences that would otherwise not be converted to your business by regular digital marketing. The influencer that you reach out to doesn’t have to have a massive following overall, just a solid following of people in the group you are trying to target. When you’re smart about who you target with influencers, it will do wonders for your business. 


The third and final most underutilized but valuable digital marketing strategy is SEO. This is possibly one of the most important and effective things you can do to strengthen your online presence, no matter which platforms you are currently advertising on. SEO stands for, “Search Engine Optimization,” and is the process of making sure your website is easily found by people who are searching for it. 

When you search for something on Google or another large search engine, the engine searches all websites available for keywords that are in the search term. The results that are delivered to you are a list of all the websites that match your search, in order from best match to worst. The goal of SEO is to optimize your website copy to ensure that your site will always be at the top of the search results page instead of on page nine where no one will ever find it. 

Being at the top of the search results page will not only increase your conversion rate, but it also fosters more trust in your brand. Though running search ads usually guarantees that your company will be found at the top of some searches, there will be a lower click-through rate on those simply because people know that it’s an ad. 

We Can Help You Choose Digital Marketing Strategies

No matter which digital marketing strategy you decide to use, we want to help you make sure you are making the most of your marketing budget! If you have any questions about whether digital marketing is a good option for you, contact us for a free consultation today.