Key Results




Website Visits


Increase in Sales


Homi Baby uses an independent network of toymakers to sell organic wooden toys for babies and toddlers. They knew that they could make a dent in their market with a unique product but they were unable to break even with their advertising efforts. With relatively little success with advertising, Homi Baby partnered with Set Fire Creative to run their Facebook and Google Ads



Since Homi Baby had run their own Facebook ads in the past our team had data to work with when they started building out an advertising strategy. After reviewing the data available from the performance of the past campaigns we built out a strategy that would help maximize return on ad spend (ROAS) on Facebook.

When it comes to advertising A/B testing is a huge part of understanding what is actually working. With that in mind, our strategy for Homi Baby was centered around how we test. We would test only one to two aspects at a time so we could always be making small steps in the right direction and we would switch out what we were testing frequently. Part of this strategy included using smaller audiences so we could spend less money on each audience before knowing if it was performing well. As we continued using this strategy we were able to learn what audiences were ready to purchase, what kind of ads the audiences responded best to, and which products were most likely to be purchased on Facebook.


Two months into running the Google campaign we had a problem on our hands. The campaign had received nearly 3,500 clicks but had only received 2 conversions. Our team went to work to put together a Google Ads strategy that was sure to increase conversions. As we dug into the website data we discovered that the traffic from our ads had a high bounce rate. This meant that users that clicked on our ads weren’t finding what they were looking for on the page that we were sending them to. We also discovered that there was one product page that more than 25 percent of users made it to at some point during their shopping experience. Armed with this new knowledge our team created a three-step strategy.

  1. We created a more fluid experience from search term to ad to landing page. We did our best to make sure that every searcher landed on the most relevant page for what they were searching for.
  2. We put more focus on the highest traffic products on their site as well as other similar products on their site. 
  3. Once steps 1 & 2 started seeing results we set up a smart shopping campaign that would make full use of retargeting and machine learning from the conversion data that we would pull in.



Thanks to the historical data we were able to break even in month one, but thanks to the continued testing we have been able to grow ROAS every month. In August 2020 we recorded a 4.85X ROAS.


Once the changes were implemented for Google we started seeing conversions come in almost immediately. After just one month after implementing the new strategy we saw a 9X ROAS and $11,267 in ad revenue.

Client Testimonial

“I love how professional they are, yet extremely easy to work with. I’ve established a great rapport with the team there. There is no reason for me to leave. Love the people and love the results.” Houston Holt, Founder of Homi Baby.

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